fimakym - Ugliness

Track: "Ugliness"
Author: "fimakym"
Albom: "Hatred"
320 kbps

Lyrics fimakym - "Ugliness"

Ugly Awe! Ugly! C'mon! Yeah! Hey! Alright You got an ugly ass guy He got a problem with his dick You got a song with no soul Fucking don't mean a thing He got an ugly bouzy house He got a girlfriend on TV I like no something He can't sing for shit And I'm trying to be a person But they all say I'm worthless I'm trying to be a person But they all make me nervous This is my description of an ugliness This is my description of an ugliness This is my description of an ugliness This is my description of an ugliness Ugliness Ugliness Ugliness (yeah) You got a dog face chic ...

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